We, the fans of Manchester United, demand the immediate return of Mason Greenwood to the team and the resignation of Richard Arnold as CEO of the club.

Mason Greenwood is a great player who is innocent. He was acquitted of all charges of attempted rape and assault. He did nothing wrong and deserves a second chance. He is an important part of our team and we need him to achieve our goals.

Richard Arnold, on the other hand, has failed in recent years. He ruined the club’s transfer policy by making bad decisions and losing important players. He even let himself be filmed as he spoke negatively about the transfer policy. He is not a suitable CEO for a club like Manchester United. He has lost the trust of the fans and the players and should vacate his place immediately.

We therefore demand that Mason Greenwood return to the team and Richard Arnold give up his place as CEO of Manchester United. We want a club that is successful and respects its players and fans. We want a club that is worthy of Manchester United. Please support our petition and share it with other fans. Thank you!

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