02BEBF41-9AC5-48C3-A420-09C8C1B65BBD.jpeghi everyone!

you might know the webseries DRUCK which is the german version of the original Skam. after season 4 we now started with a new generation in september with the 5th season. currently the 6th season is already happening with the main character called Fatou, who was just diagnosed with discalkuly and still tries to manage her life with friends and her girlfriend Kieu My. 

sadly DRUCK lost a lot of views on YouTube due to the new generation. even though we know that you guys miss the old characters we are also super in love with our new generation and their diversity. To make a 7th season happen we would love to have your support.


We would appreciate it a lot if you guys would sign and share this petition with your friends to let other people know about the series and our love towards it!


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