
This adds to a wide range of functionalities that the social network has made available to its users to improve the browsing experience After technical difficulties with the Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram applications, the photo social network decided to have a hard time with the launch of a new tool with which it will be possible to chat with friends through Stories. To find this addition, it is only necessary to go to the stickers menu in Stories, which can be found before publishing a story, and from there, choose the Chat option.


Other Instagram features are quizzes, Questions, Music, and Countdown. The operation of this tool is not complex at all. When the story that the user wants to upload is ready, they must place the Chat within it, and this is how other people will be able to see it and activate it. By tapping the sticker, followers will send a request to join a conversation with the person responsible for the story on a certain topic or, if they wish, agree to a meeting Another detail that is allowed with this Instagram Stories update is that it will be possible to see the chat requests in the list of stories, and you will be able to talk with the followers individually or in groups. In order to organize the relationship with the audience of each profile, it will be possible to give notice to the followers regarding the specific time that a chat will begin, which can increase the number of interlocutors during the conversation.


In the Chat, furthermore, if the Chat can continue among the other users, the person in charge of the room will have the option to mute the messages so that the others continue talking without the need to close the space. This adds to a wide range of features that Instagram has made available to its consumers to improve the experience in its application. Among some of the most popular is adding music and song lyrics. In order to share musical tastes, it is only necessary to integrate the music sticker, which will display a huge list of available songs from which one is chosen and after having done that, the lyrics of the song appear automatically, and it is only a matter of choosing the font and how it will be displayed. Other types of options that are very helpful are those related to user privacy since comments can be blocked or even only allowed to be made by certain people. Creativity is one of the most relevant aspects of Instagram since it is a social network where decorations are the main way of attracting peopleNow, with the Chat option, it will be possible to interact with those people that the content has hooked.  


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