With the increase in the prevalence of social media use. Instagram has become the most well-known social media systems. People use it on a daily basis to publish small life events and each detail taking place in their day to day life in the form of photographs or videos on Instagram stories. Nonetheless, one disadvantage of Instagram stories is that they vanish instantly after 24 hours. In case the time comes when you wish to revisit the memory you published, you will not find them.

Download Instagram Stories you Created for the Day
The videos published in a day can be downloaded as one Instagram stories video. This means that replaying them for potential use usually takes a while as stories are stored together. So you will need to visualize all the day's clips. This may take time to view but still a lot better than possessing no copy. Anytime of the day, you can see the video anywhere you are. Below we will assist you on how to save your day-to-day stories as a video.

Search for the “Your Story” button. That’s what you need to do first. You can typically find it on your feed. It’s on the upper left corner. Many choices will pop-up after clicking on the 3 dots icon. The choice we are trying to find is the Save Story. It may take a little while to render your video. Your video will now be ready to play whenever you need it.

Download Instagram Stories: The Selected Clips Only
You might try this next strategy if you do not like the above procedure shared. This technique will let you save individual clips. Meaning, you can save or download Instagram stories as separate files. The process is almost the same as the above trick, excluding the later part. Instead of choosing for the “Save Story” option, pick “Save Video”. This is suggested when you have one specific picture or video that you would like to preserve, but you are not necessarily worried about the entire Story. Right after tapping the “Save Video” option, the video must be found on your Pictures or Camera Roll. Look for it.

Download Instagram Stories Utilizing Someone else Account
Saving Instagram stories utilizing another account is simple and for whatever reason why do it is none of our concern. Third-party site is required to do it. They all function in more or less the same way, so all you should do is select your favorite and you’re all set to go.

You may stick to these procedures in order to save utilizing a third party site
Copy first the user name or the profile link (based on what's required by the website) of the owner of the Instagram Stories you wanted to download. Open one of the chosen 3rd party websites. Choose which specific Instagram Story simply by scrolling down on the clips. Pick the “Save link as” option when you have selected the clip to download. You'll then find the video file on the folder you choose to save it.

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