Tiertötungs Steuerabgabe für Verbraucher die Fleisch konsumieren


/ #3

2011-09-23 22:05

rather waste that flow of money ... isit an incomplete "donation" ... innocent animals are abused (when 0?) permanent currently for sick lifestyle, sick semiluxury food, etz - still ... while - it is more than sick if it "just" gets more expensive to be related to animal abuse ... stick: itis a partial sicksystem - how to stop these abnormal developments as existing? all related to history | oldfashionedstyle setup still setting up itself over and over again - when? radical &§ suddenly a STOP - what? i turst in numbers from this world and intelligence from other worlds [vizeversaasin] ... even though i will sign mnetioned petition as it might lower a particular number as perceived in a future