Schenkt Ali eine sichere Zukunft in Deutschland und schickt ihn nicht ins verderben
I want a happy life for Alimahshid kheyri (tehran, 2022-08-20)
Ali should be supported by German government since his life would not be safe in Iran. Save Ali.shahbazi reza (tehran, 2022-08-20)
Ali should not be banish to Iran; it will have a serious risk on his life. SAVE ALI.taherkhani kamal (tehran, 2022-08-20)
The presence of a moral athlete does not harm society, but it causes better growth and vitality of the people, and if a person does not harm society, he should be able to live freely wherever he wants and be a useful person for that community.Ali is very moral and personable and deserves the best. I hope that his application for German residency will be approved.
Nasser Feshki (Tehran, 2022-08-20)
علی پسر با اخلاقی استtahere bahrami (tehran, 2022-08-20)
Ali is very good boy . I know him 20 years .Reza Feshki (Tehran, 2022-08-20)
علی ورزشکار موفقی استمریم ایلامی (تهران, 2022-08-20)
Denn die Erde ist ein Ort des Lebens, nicht der Bestrafung.Verya Gavili (Sanandaj, 2022-08-20)
Help Ali to run a safe life. He is a hard working athlete, deserving to have a peaceful, safe life. Iran is not safe for him.azad majid (isfahan, 2022-08-20)
Ali should not be displaced because it will ruin his life. He could not pursue his dreams in Iran, could not be free. You should not expose him to danger.tanhaei jamshid (tehran, 2022-08-20)
Ali has the right to have a safe life; Iran is not safe for him.mohammadi karim (tehran, 2022-08-20)
Help Ali to run a safe life. He is a hard working athlete, deserving to have a peaceful, safe life. Iran is not safe for him.karimi khosro (tehran, 2022-08-20)
Ali needs to be supported by german government to have a safe life, not expel him.azimi nika (tehran, 2022-08-20)
اگر علی را به ایران بازگردانید جانش به خطر می افتد. لطفا به علی زندگی امن بدهید.janati fariborz (tehran, 2022-08-20)
علی اقا خیلی خوش اخلاق وخوش رفتاره وحق داره تو آلمان زندگی کنه.Ebrahim Dadashzadeh (تهران, 2022-08-20)
Ali needs to be supported by German government to have a safe life, not expel him.moghaddam niusha (tehran, 2022-08-20)
علی پسر با مرامی استAmirhosrin Dadashzadeh (Tehran, 2022-08-20)
If you return Ali to iran, his life would not be safe anymore. Keep Ali in a safe place.bagheri heshmat (tehran, 2022-08-20)
He is a talented sport man, allow him to live in GermanyVahid Dadashzadeh (Tehran, 2022-08-20)
Do not ruin Ali's life, you should save his lifeSara Khani (Tehran, 2022-08-20)
Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Iran wurden dieses und letztes Jahr mehrfach von den Vereinten Nationen verurteilt.Letztes Jahr wurden 314 Menschen überwiegend aus politischen Gründen hingerichtet.
Bitte stoppen Sie die Zwangsabschiebung von Iranern.
Alireza Mehrabifar (Nürnberg , 2022-08-20)
AemzaAsghar Sharifi (Tehran, 2022-08-20)
Ali is a brilliant young man and great athlete.Hamif Hemati (London, 2022-08-20)
He has been trying for 4 years to be a great, kind person.Ziba Hemati (London, 2022-08-20)
او انسان درستکار و با پشتکاریست. علی حق دارد یک زندگی خوب در آلمان داشته باشد چراکه او جوانی شایسته است.Zari Ghonji (Tehran, 2022-08-20)
As Ali is a honest person, he has the right to have a peaceful life in Germany.mohamadali daneshyar (toronto, 2022-08-20)
He is a great person ❤️Farzane Lotfi (Istanbul , 2022-08-20)
Ich finde jeder der such integrieren will auch die Chance dazu haben sollte!!maryam mahdavi (bern, 2022-08-20)
Ich unterschreibe weil er ein sehr Herzens guter Mensch ist und ein tolles Vorbild für viele Boxer und in der Gesellschaft…meiner beiden Kinder 6 Jahre und 3 Jahre alt sehen sehr auf zu ihm. So wie ich genausoshahedeh astaneh (lugano, 2022-08-20)
Let people free to live wherever they wanthelya rezaee (rome, 2022-08-20)
Ali is a good-tempered man, so there is no reason to expel him. This is not a impartial decision.fatemeh manafi (amsterdam, 2022-08-20)
HardworkingMojtaba Feshki (Lavasoun, 2022-08-20)
Ali should not be banish to iran; it will have a serious risk on his life. Save ALI.aram masi (tehran, 2022-08-21)
Ali is a boxing talent and constructive person, contributing to have a prosperous society in Germany. So, expelling him is not fair whatever the reason is.rajabipor mehran (tehran, 2022-08-21)
Ali should not be banish to iran; it will have a serious risk on his life. Save ALI.sedaghat ali (tehran, 2022-08-21)
save ali's life; his future is at your hand since displacing him is equal to put a serious risk on his life.bayat hossein (tehran, 2022-08-21)
Ali should not be banish to iran; it will have a serious risk on his life. Save ALI.kashefi farhad (tehran, 2022-08-21)
save ali's life; his future is at your hand since displacing him is equal to put a serious risk on his life.tamadon asghar (tehran, 2022-08-21)
علی ورزشکار نمونه ای استافسانه لطفی (تهران, 2022-08-21)
save ali's life; his future is at your hand since displacing him is equal to put a serious risk on his life.pedram rajabi (tehran, 2022-08-21)
Ali should not be banish to iran; it will have a serious risk on his life. Save ALI.mohammadi isa (tehran, 2022-08-21)
علی با اخلاق هستسارا بهمنی (تهران, 2022-08-21)
he is a well tempered guykimya naser (تهران, 2022-08-21)
She is my old friendMuhammad Feshki (Tehran, 2022-08-21)
علی خیلی زحمت کشیده باید خوب زندگی کنه در آلمان باشهMahbobe Jadidi (Tehran, 2022-08-21)
علی جوان پر تلاش و خوش اخلاقیست. آیندا او را خراب نکنید.Maryam Shahsavand (Tehran, 2022-08-21)
Ali Feshki is a boxing talent in Germany, an award-winner. If you shoot Ali, his future will be demolished. Ali's life is in your hands; save him.nehzat alireza (tehran, 2022-08-21)
Allow Ali to live in Germany.Ahmad Khoram (Tehran, 2022-08-21)
Expelling Ali will put his life at serious risk; save his life.rozbeh behtash (tehran, 2022-08-21)
ب علت قهرمان بودنHasan Kochkiy (مرکزی, 2022-08-21)
Ich unterschreibe, weil diese Person nicht aus seinem gewohnten Umfeld rausgerissen werden soll. Er hat in anderen Ländern keine Bezugsperson. Das verdient kein Mensch.Laura Grune (Aurich, 2022-08-21)
Ali's life is at serious risk; help him to have a secure life.karim hosseini (tehran, 2022-08-21)
به علت ورزشکار بودن علی فشکیمحمد طبری فشکی (تهران, 2022-08-21)
Help aliBaran Feshki (Tehran, 2022-08-21)
Ali is a good person, help himFiruz Maleki (Tehran, 2022-08-21)
Ich habe Ali in den letzten 2 Jahren begleitet. Ich bin nicht nur sein Trainer sondern auch sein Mentor. Ich habe ihn die Werte und Normen eines Europäers beigebracht. Er hat seinen Führerschein gemacht und ich habe ihm einen Ausbildungsplatz( duales Studium) besorgt. Leider hat die Ausländerbehörde ihm diese Ausbildung untersagt. Gebt ihm die Chance als Christ in Deutschland sein Leben selbständig zu führenMichael Bochardt (Marienhafe , 2022-08-21)