Das ungarische Netzwerk der Universitätsdozenten protestiert gegen die geplante Abschaffung des MA-Studienganges für Gender-Studien in Ungarn



I signed this petition because it makes no sense to ban critical thinkers and reflexive thinkers on gender and to limit academic and research freedom. This totalitarian level of censorship makes me very worried about the future of our societies. I hope that it all boils down to the lack of understanding for the foreign-born vocabulary in the countries where English is not the first language and I hope it will be resolved to the benefit of equality and social inclusion. Kind regards, Prof. dr. Anna Coates

(Gdansk, 2018-08-18)


Gender studies allow us to examine our own privileges. It provides space for resistance. It aims to challenge anu form of inequalities and injustice.

(Bandung, 2018-08-18)


This is part of a policy against human rights. Women are human beings and we deserve to study about ourselves in the academy.

(Isarael, 2018-08-18)


ces études sont importantes!

(Vion, 2018-08-18)


I believe that gender studies program enlighten individuals to fight for justice of the rights of individuals who may not have as much authority in a country. Until women are payed equally in Hungary, until sexual and relationship violence stops you cannot say that gender studies are not helpful to a society.

(Austin, 2018-08-18)


Hungary is evidently becoming a fascist state and this is just one of many extremely worrying indicators of its direction of travel.

(Oxford, 2018-08-18)


Gender studies are important at this historical moment - gender equality is hard to achieve and yet is needed if we are to meet the SDGs and ensure sustainable growth. In addition, academic freedom must be preserved as one of many foundational features of democracy and social justice.

(New York, 2018-08-18)


I have a strong belief in human rights and access to education is one of those rights.

(Cambridge, 2018-08-18)


this gender studies programme has a very high international reputation and doing very important work

(Hull, 2018-08-18)


I'm signing because it is important that societal gender roles are the subject of academic study in order to support the addressing of inequalities.

(London, 2018-08-18)


"Az intézkedéstervezet durván sérti az egyetemi tanszabadságnak még az Alaptörvényben található, leszűkített értelmezését is, amennyiben mondvacsinált indokok alapján, valós szakmai érvek nélkül szüntetne meg egy képzést." Lényegében boszorkányüldözés folyik. És a boszorkányüldözés minden formája ellen fel kell lépni.

(Budapest, 2018-08-18)


I believe gender studies are needed in order to protect the rights of all persons regardless of gender or sex orientation.

(Spencer, Indiana, 2018-08-18)


I'm outraged

(Sosnowiec, 2018-08-18)


Undermining academic freedom is no way to achieve anything.

(Brussels, 2018-08-19)


Research on gender offers a critical lens on the well documented realities of gender inequalities in all realms of social life; it is shocking to see reversals on this front in Hungarian universities.

(Paris, 2018-08-19)


the feedom of science is not negotiable

(Vienna, 2018-08-19)


Independence of universities from political control is one. of the basic preconditions of the development of science and humanistic values

(Warsaw, 2018-08-19)


Totális nonszensz, hogy állami utasításra tiltsanak be egyetemi stúdiumot az Európai Unióban.

(Berlin, 2018-08-19)


Co-fondatrice de la revue CLIO Femmes Genre Histoire (48 numéros depuis 1995), je soutiens les études de genre et les études en histoire des femmes en France, mais aussi en Europe.

(LYON, 2018-08-19)


My main appointment is in our equivalent program and I know how valuable Gender studies is as a field.

(Santa Barbara, 2018-08-19)


Felháborítónak tartom, hogy a kormány önkényesen intézkedik, ostobaságokkal magyarázza. Ha nincs szükség a szakra, megszűnik magától is, viszont ez a jelen és a jövő tudománya, tanítsuk.

(Oroszlány, 2018-08-19)


In today's context of intense inequalities and emotional commitments to exclusionary practices, it is more important than ever to safeguard attempts to educate and inform in ways that are more, not less, inclusive. Academic freedom and the strengths shown by gender and women's studies educational effects are very important and warrant our support.

(Tucson, 2018-08-19)